My friend and coach/backer reminded me the other day of this great and true quote:
"The dictionary is the only place where you find success before work" Vince Lombardi I have recommitted myself to breaking down my game and building it back up. One of the tools I will use to do this will be posting my daily results on this blog along with key hand histories in Tournaments to be examined and evaluated. Please weigh in anytime you wish...
Thanks again Brad and Coach Lombardi for reminding me that most successful get to where they are for many different reasons but the most common reason is that they simply work harder than everyone else.
Sunday 2/20/11FulltTilt6 MTT's
(-) $131.06
Stars12 MTT's
(-) $485.77
Total = 18 MTT's (-) $616.83Tournament Results (key Hand histories)(copy/paste pokerhand.org link in order to see hands)
FTP $11 7k GTDfinished 498 / 1058 (-) $11
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985628knew villain would snap, HUD was absurd...
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985636I dont mind my aggression vs the flat/donk lead
but they dont dont fold much on FTP :-(
FTP $26 16k GTDfinished 772 / 1303 (-) $26
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985647felt as though his 3b range was nut, perhaps
too tight of a fold as I should at least set-mine
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985649win flips pls..
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985650std shortstack bust
FTP $11 SuperStack GTDfinished 1222 / 1797 (-) $11
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985654all in @ blinds 15/30 is meh but no choice here..
FTP $26 16k GTDfinished 524 / 1016 (-) $26
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985660villain was running 23% 3b and my table was just absurdspewy... given that I may still should not flip here due to FTP
structures ?
FTP $11 1R1A GTDfinished 569 / 969 (-) $21
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985666busted before add-on. looked like a good spot to
squeeze but I need to examine my ranges due to
NO ONE folds EVER on FTP lolz
FTP $26 19k GTDfinished 1154 / 1827 (-) $26
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985675sigh Russians, maybe should fold to his river lead
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985680Prolly best to shove turn but meh.. they do
fold often on FTP sigh
Stars $109 Kickofffinished 596 / 1013 (-) $109
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985691std set-mine spot
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985694handcuffed post, could not cbet here
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985700interesting spot my bust hand. Discussed on 2+2
My coach/backer suggests open shoving 15bbs here
pre ante AJhh UTG. Others suggest open folding as well
as Stars Pro Steve Paul Ambrose suggests at times we can
even min-raise/fold... LOL pokerz
Stars $11 Rebuys GTDfinished 634 / 1503 (-) $71
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985714Discussed with coach, its never awful with
reads(villain was r/f a lot) but certainly not std.
default is fold most times here..
Stars $33 cap/GTDfinished 378 / 500 (-) $33
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985717Better line here would be check turn, C/C river..
as played I cant really bet/f so meh..
http://www.pokerhand.org/?59857231st real spew of the day. I tried C/R semi bluff
with gutterbal.. C/F is optimal since most times I
have little to no FE vs much of their ranges..
Stars $8 Rebuys GTDfinished 1981 / 2638 (-) $40.80
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985729only played one hand after rebuy hour...
Stars $44 6max GTDfinished 92 / 398 (-) $44
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985742I tank/hero called. Villain was absurd so
I felt a decent bit that calling here will be
good often..
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985753key flips need winning...
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985755everyone is so "hood" and so good lol
I pot controlled best I could, just couldnt
see folding river as played..
http://www.pokerhand.org/?59857592nd spew of the day as I reshipped 20bbs
on villain that has showed he does not fold :(
Stars $55 7k GTDfinished 126 / 459 (-) $55
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985765was card dead entire 1st hour pre-ante. I r/c
here because villain was spewing the hardest
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985768to me this spot is standard and these need
to be won to do well in MTTs...
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985770std bust
Stars $22 20k GTDfinished 151 / 2114 cashed = $51
http://www.pokerhand.org/?59857763 streets easy way
http://www.pokerhand.org/?5985779wow are these Euros awful..
STD bust 11bbs ship AJ
Not a HI volume Sunday but I am going to keep my max @ 8 tables as I am focusing more
as well as saving key HH's for review and study...
I feel I played well but I can improve a lot which with hard work is encouraging..
Monday off, be back Tuesday 2/22