Poker has certainly taken up a lot of good years of my work life. But I have no regrets as I got to do something I loved. Although there were many ups & downs in my poker career I cannot allow myself to believe that I made the wrong choices with regards to what I chose to do for a living.
One of my favorite lines in Rounders is when Mike McD asked his professor if he "had it to do all over again would he make the same choices?" He simply replied; "what choice" ...
Many times in life we go down certain paths and they may lead to places we did not intend to go to. However, if life truly is a journey then we cannot spend too much time in thoughts about past choices and what others may or may not think of us. I believe as Doctor Steven Covey says: "success is success with self". Ultimately we must answer to ourselves.
With that in mind I have decided that I will no longer play poker fulltime for my profession. I am going to re-enter the work force. I believe that I have much to contribute in terms of what I can accomplish in many areas of the work place.
I am intrigued by technology and specifically electronics. So for now I am going to look for trade schools to get started in the trades and then look to further my education and hopefully become an engineer. I know what I can do when I work hard and I look forward to all the challenges I will face which are many.
I will always play the game I love at the highest level I am capable and never cease to improve and learn/grow, it will now just be more part time and treated as such in terms of how much time and resources I will spend on the game. I plan to always participate in live series tournaments including a yearly sabbatical at the WSOP in Las Vegas:-)
I will continue to blog about my poker experiences, but I will also transform and add to this blog my new passion to return to work and the pursuit of my goals in the work place.
I wish everyone a great week on & off the felt and may God bless and protect us all in our everyday lives.