I traveled via Bus from Akron, OH directly to FoxWoods Casino. Total Bus fare there and back was $220 plus 6 different cab fares to FoxWoods and back to the Days Inn in Mystic, CT costs about $150... including food, drinks, tips, hotel etc... my total expenses apart from buy-ins was approximately $600 for 4 days.
I was 0 for 3. I played the $600 $125k GTD, the $120 $10k GTD and the $300 $100k GTD..
I went deep playing almost 12 hours Saturday in the $600 falling short about 20 off the money bubble. My cripple hand was almost scripted, here is the hand history:
8 handed table, blinds 1500/3k 500 ante; 2 limpers and I over call $3k on the button with 8d-9d from a $87k stack. SB call and then the BB tank squeezes to $13k total. both limpers fold and the action is to me.
I literally tank for 1-2 mins trying to asses the situation. I know he has literal blade, so as long as I am getting the proper implied odds post flop I can profitably call and intending to get stacks in on favorable flops vs his range which consists of AK and QQ+
I glance from the corner of my eye attempting to make sure he has us covered and I cannot tell. In hindsight I should have asked for a count, because if I had I would not have called. He only had $62k behind which means even if we flop big he does not have enough chips to make our call profitable.
Incorrectly I call and the flop is just the 5d-7d-9c... He just leads for $50k (LOLz he obv has QQ+) and I obviously can never fold now. When I table my hand he insta stands up and walks away from the table after flipp his Kh-Ks lolz.... The board so eloquently bricks out Jc-2c and I so neatly am left crippled. 2 orbits later I reship AJdd and just run directly into KK again :( sigh
The other 2 events I never chipped up and busted fairly early with no key hands other than I got hero called @ 100/200 when I 3 barreled a flopped flush draw by a Euro crab drinking Johnny Walker shots with King hi how good are they lmao...
I would like to thank all the people who invested including Brad(my backer) who covered the expenses for me. It is Vegas in 3 weeks, see you there :-)
Have a great day on & off the felt ev1 ...
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