Saturday, December 8, 2012

Vulcan Logic

  As a poker player it is a constant struggle to deal with our emotions in relation to our short term results. And just as Spock quoted in the movie "Wrath of Khan" to Doctor McCoy to take control of emotions or they will destroy him so to in poker can a players emotions make them into a losing or breakeven player or at the very least cause them to win much less than they are capable.

 Just tonight I decided to play a late night session on Lock/Revolution and right on the direct FT bubble I min raise/4b AA into KK for 45bbs and the C/L with 12 left and the board rolls out JQT69 to bust me... sigh

 This is after losing for a week straight over an average sample when 1st place would have snap got me out of MU. I didnt even flinch, immediately opened 2+2 and started reading some strategy posts in MSMTT forum.

I truly wanted to make this thread not as a rant, but to remind us all that we must learn to completely remove any emotional attachment at all to short term results no matter how bad the beat is.

I can only imagine how great of a poker player Spock would've been had he been a real alien with his intelligence and complete removal of all emotions that Vulcan's had. He would have literally been the best player in the world.  lol

Well, as real humans unfortunately we do have emotions but with a lot of effort and hard work we can learn to control them and not allow them to effect us.

Thanks for reading and gl on & off the tables  :)

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